Temporary Exhibits
Since 1979, the Castle Building has been preserved by the Historical Society of Saginaw County and is home to the award-winning Castle Museum of Saginaw County History. Within its walls, you will discover a celebration of the diversity and richness of the community’s heritage through dynamic exhibits and programs.
Ron Fahrner's Rendering of the Celebration Square Carousel
At the end of 2021, Kathy and Lee Kilbourn donated the miniature carousel her father, Ron Fahrner meticulously carved, painted and constructed all by hand. Although not an exact replica of the carousel at the Saginaw Children’s Zoo (he took some artist license, adding a few more exotic animals), it is a magnificent and magical rendering of the original. Currently on display in the museum’s lobby, the staff are working with the donor to develop an exhibit about the carousel as well as to get it working again.
Long before email, picture postcards were an international fad. These photographic images offered a quick and inexpensive way to share thoughts and information with family and friends. The Castle Museum's latest exhibition, Pretty as a Postcard, shares early twentieth century scenes of Saginaw.