As we are in the midst of preparing for Jazz on Jefferson – in case you have forgotten, it is Wednesday June 8, we are taking some shortcuts in our preparations for this week’s recipe. (Hint: While the Castle test kitchen has made Mrs. C. M. Hill’s cottage pudding, we did not have photographs of it and are using a generic image we found online.)
1 c. sugar ½ c. butter 1 c. milk 2 c. flour, sifted 2 tsp. baking powder Pinch of salt 2 eggs, beaten
Mix together sifted flour, baking powder and salt and sift again. Cream butter, add sugar gradually and cream together. Add eggs. Add flour alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Bake in greased 8 x 8-inch pan 35 minutes at 350°. Serve with pudding sauce.
Notes: If you are not familiar with cottage pudding, you may be a little surprised by the end-product – it is simply a yellow cake. Cottage pudding is served with a pudding sauce. Unfortunately, this recipe does not include one for a sauce. In the past, the Castle Test Kitchen has made a simple sauce by slightly heating fruit preserves. We have also served it with crème anglaise made using Julia Child’s recipe.
Mrs. C. M. Hill - Susie Richardson Hill - lived at 523 S. Jefferson for 62 years and her recipe for cottage pudding is from The Saginaw Cookbook published by the First Congregational Church. Mrs. Hill was an active member of First Congregational Church, and a painting of her home is featured on this year’s poster for Jazz on Jefferson. The church will be open during Jazz on Jefferson and be the venue for the New Reformation Jazz Band concert.
In 1887, Saginaw lumberman, Clarence M. Hill, and his wife, Susie Richardson Hill had a home constructed at 523 S. Jefferson Avenue - the southeast corner of S. Jefferson and Thompson Streets. Designed by Saginaw architect, Fred W. Hollister, in scale alone, (5,800 sq. ft.) this large, 3 story Queen Anne style home testifies to the success of Saginaw’s lumbering industry and the riches reaped from Michigan’s forest. About 1907, additions were made to house and the interior was extensively remodeled.
Clarence Hill passed away in 1901; Susie Hill lived in the home until her death in 1949. Subsequently, the home was sold to a Saginaw physician and was made into apartments. The house is a work in progress and the current continue to work in bringing the home back to life. Recently, they have painted the elaborately patterned gables on the north façade. They are again painted a deep red, the same colors they were painted when Susie Hill lived in the house.