Mr. Harry T. Wickes will this evening at 8 o’clock lead to the altar Miss Fanny, daughter of Will Hamilton, of this city. The wedding will take place at the residence of the bride’s parents, corner of Water and Hayden Streets. The Rev, Franklin Noble is to pronounce the happy words that unite the couple, and after the wedding Mr. Wickes and his bride will depart from the east. On their return they will reside with Mr. Wickes’ parents on North Jefferson street. Where they will be at home to their friends after Dec. 1st.
-The Saginaw Evening News, October 21, 1885.
Fannie Hamilton Wickes was born Feb. 25, 1865, in Piqua, Ohio. As a child, she moved to East Saginaw with her parents. On October 22, 1885, she married Harry T. Wickes and they had five children. She passed away on May 3, 1901.
This link will take you to an earlier post about Fannie Hamilton Wickes:
Newspaper articles document her work in support of Saginaw charities and her skill and accomplishments at entertaining.
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.T. Wickes, 324 North Jefferson avenue, a most delightful reception was given by Mrs. Wickes and Mrs. John S. Porter. From three to six a great many guests were received and while Boos’ orchestra played the newest music in the upper hall the scene below was a most attractive one, the many handsome toilettes mingling with the light gowns of those who assisted the hostess. In the dining room, which was effectively decorated with Mermet roses, Mrs. E.C. Ewen and Mrs. G.B. Morely presided at the table and were assisted by Mesdames Ara A. Sanborn and R.M. Randall. The table was lighted with pink tapers in silver candelabra and the center piece was a bowl beautiful pink roses, which were also scattered upon the cloth. In the other rooms were chrysanthemums and palms and American beauties adorned the table where the Misses Winifred Holland and Clara McClure served the punch. (The Saginaw Evening News, December 4, 1897.)
While it seems unlikely that this dish would have appeared on the menu at one of her parties, it is simple, elegant and could have easily appeared on the menu aboard the Catherine, the Wickes steam yacht – but the Catherine is another story and another recipe.
The Recipe: Mrs. Fannie Hamilton Wickes’ Baked Eggs
Break 8 eggs into a well buttered dish, put in salt, bits of butter, and 3 tablespoons of cream, Set in oven and bake for 20 minutes and serve very hot. from The Saginaw Cookbook published by the First Congregational Church.
8 Eggs Butter 3 tablespoons of cream Salt and pepper
The CTK used a ceramic backing dish, approximately 9” x 5”.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a small oven-proof dish. Break eggs and place into prepared baking dish, being careful not to break yolks. Sprinkle top with salt and pepper, pour cream over top and garnish with bits of butter.
Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes.
-The resulting eggs had the consistency of an easy-over egg. If you desire eggs that are less cooked, you can easily reduce the cooking time. If you want harder yolks, you might consider using a shallower cooking pan.
-You may have noted, the CTK’s pepper was too coarsely ground, and we were much too generous with our bits of butter garnish.
-This recipe could be adjusted, and each serving of two eggs cooked in individual ramekins.
-Although we have plated and presented this as a breakfast dish. In The Saginaw Cookbook it is found under the “Luncheon Dishes and Vegetables” section. It would certainly be perfect to serve as a course for luncheon and would be great paired with asparagus or tomatoes.